Dont think anybody understands

I'm a first time mum for 6 weeks exactly now and i don't feel as good as I used to pre baby and pregnancy, I miss my old life, I miss not having to wake up through the night, I miss doing what I wanted to do and not have any responsibilities. instead everything seems a burden having to take my lo anywhere, I've lost interest in wanting to go see my friends because I have to take him with me and carry all of what is needed, if I wanna go anywhere now I either have to find a babysitter or not go out. Also my partner doesnt help out as much as I'd like him to...seems I have to ask him to do something ie change baby or feed him or something, when I think that instead he should just get off his own back and do it, and when I do ask he's like awww you could have asked before I was doing this or that (plystation). He loves lo and thinks the world of him as do I, but I really just miss things the way they were, (cuddling on the sofa watching films and doing things together) seems like it's never gonna be like that again. my 6 week check up is this week with my health visitor and it's depression check up, if only she knew what goes on in my head maybe she could understand how I feel about my lo, I have had dreams about harming my baby but I wouldn't actually go through with it just couldn't put myself through the thought of hurting him, my family and partners adore my lo and it seems like they love him more than I do, like they have taken the love from me and given it to him in there own way :(. I'm tired stressed with a collicy baby, and home alone most days while my partner works :(. I'm not one for going out and just making friends on the spot takes me a while to do that. Sorry if this post upsets anyone but I just need to vent, does anybody else get the same way xx