Mental health during pregnancy

Ok wasn’t sure where to really post this as there isn’t a general pregnancy and mental health forum on here. I had some mild ppd (general low mood and lack of interest) after my first kiddo and that resolved after a bit. I’m 12 weeks pregnant with my 2nd and have 0 enthusiasm for this pregnancy. Like none. It was so hard at the dr for my 10 week appointment when the dr was all enthusiastic and asking if I was excited and my only response was that I still wasn’t sure how I felt about being pregnant. (I think I’m going to switch OB’s as everything felt rushed... I may even switch locations as I didn’t like how the support staff was like “you work in mental health, you’ve got all the tools, you’ll be fine”. I work with kids not adults). Yes this was a surprise pregnancy but so was our first. Idk maybe I’m being ridiculous but has anyone else struggled with this?