It kind of bothers me


You ever notice recently that there’s a bunch of women on this app who will anonymously post stuff about how they’re trying to control their bf’s relationships/seeking advice on how to do so, or even describing abusive behaviour they have towards their partner but trying to get support for it? And when they get called out suddenly they delete their post because they aren’t getting the sympathy they thought they deserved. Like, they know their behaviour is wrong, that’s why they posted anonymously because they didn’t want it traced back to them. Idk it just breaks my heart of these women practically bragging about abusing/controlling their partners and seeking validation for it. Abuse is abuse, and it’s just as wrong when it’s a woman doing it as it is for a man to.. I guess I can’t get over how they feel like they’re in the right when what they’re doing is so clearly wrong. You shouldn’t ever try to control, manipulate or hurt the people you love, because that’s not love... I’d like to think its just trolls trying to get a reaction, but there really are some people out there treating their partners terribly and thinking it’s okay, and that makes me sad, even angry sometimes. And yeah, I guess I could just avoid using the app if it bothers me that much, but there really are some great people here too, and I do enjoy getting to interact with other girls and get insight into things I may not have known before. I just don’t like that because it’s a safe space, some people think they can freely talk about their damaging behaviour without being criticized for it, and even getting mad for being told that what they’re doing is harmful/wrong. It’s not the majority but I’ve noticed it happens more often than it used to.