Stresssed out


Hey ladies I’m 27wks pregnant and I lately I keep waking up and it feels like someone is choking me with burning in my throat. It’s very uncomfortable and I do have history of GERD and an ulcer long ago in my esophagus. Just wondering could it be just some bad reflex?? Ps I have been also kinda stressed out do to my father moving in after an accident and my partner and I also have a 2 yr old daughter and it’s been really hard to do anything together. His been with us since dec 19th and we haven’t even had any intercourse and it’s bugging the hell out of me because we’re very active and while preggo I’m bad lol. But I’ve been so depressed because I’m trying to hard to make things work but it’s hard when your father is living with you and toddler sleeps in same room. What can I do!? Please help 😓