Crazy MIL is driving me insane.

I just need to vent I guess, but I don’t expect anyone to listen. I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant and I’ve just had a super stressful pregnancy. My husband and I live with his mother and she constantly picks on everything I do with my 16 month old or just stuff I do in general. She says I let him cry too much or scream too much because I won’t let him just do whatever he wants (mostly dangerous). I don’t pay enough attention to him and when the new baby comes he will get no attention. I let him play by himself too much or too little. I’m being too protective of what he eats (he’s allergic to milk and eggs). He doesn’t talk enough and I should enroll him in some kind of speech therapy (he has just started saying a couple of sentences, knows more than 25 words, says please and thank you and is very polite). That I’m a terrible mom and don’t do anything for my child. That I make too many excuses about going back to college. That I don’t work enough. I feel like I’m going to lose my mind around this woman. I told my husband and he didn’t believe me until she started talking bad about me to his twin sister and him. We were going to move out into an apartment but my husband ended up being demoted at work. Now we can barely pay any bills (hospital, loans from covid stay at home, car bills, insurance, rent for a house, phone bills, babysitter, utilities) and I have to work even more to try to make up for the loss of income. His mom says we do nothing to help, but we literally pay all her bills and buy 600 dollars in groceries every month for the entire house hold (My husband, me, my son, husbands mother, sister and sister’s fiancé). We are struggling so much with the demotion and now she calls her son lazy for not working a blue collar job that pays 12 dollars an hour (minimum wage here) that might eventually pay more in the future (he got a second job that pays 150 dollars a day base pay and that has commissions on top of that and she doesn’t like it). She is so controlling over everything and struggling with her own bills, but she won’t get a job because of Covid and she’s “high risk because she is a smoker”. She gets retirement and uses it for random things and her own hospital bills from when she fell down the stairs and broke her foot. She also doesn’t like going anywhere and constantly asks us where we are going when we leave the house and gets upset if it’s for anything other than work. She also won’t let me go and visit my family because “they have Covid” even though their quarantine ended a whole month and a half ago. If I go visit them she will kick me out of the house. But her daughter can go to parties with her fiancé every night and she just says “have fun”. She gets mad when my husband will ask her to watch our son for 30 minutes while we go grocery shopping for her or if we are picking up fast food for dinner.When she does watch him, she is on her phone the whole time not actually watching him and my child is usually in the kitchen playing in the cabinets. But she is thrilled to watch her other grand children from her oldest daughter who has literally been dating a drug dealer for years got accidentally pregnant with him twice (he still refuses to marry her) and has had authorities raid their house for drugs and drug money while her daughters were present. He now plans to leave her and she doesn’t have a job and has been living off of child support from him. Apparently her oldest daughter is the perfect mom because she had her kids in her 30’s though. I’m just irresponsible having kids so young (Had my first when I was 20) and not waiting 6 years to have another child. She also told my husband he should get a vasectomy so we don’t have anymore accidents and that insurance would cover it. She failed to tell him that if we wanted another kid insurance doesn’t cover reversals. So I explained it to him. And he feels like she was trying to trick him into not having more kids. She is also not supportive of me being pregnant again. She doesn’t like the new baby already and treats me like I’m shit because I’m pregnant. I’m deathly allergic to cinnamon (she knows and has seen me go into anaphylactic shock) and still decides to eat cinnamon stuff around me (more so now I’m pregnant). I feel like she might be trying to kill me or maybe she just doesn’t care idk. The first time I was pregnant she kept all cinnamon away from me and actually cared about the baby at the time. This time it’s like she’s trying to do everything harmful she can (like smoking in the garage which gets into our house and affects my asthma that she also knows about). With all this going on, I just really want to move and never let her see her grandchildren. She obviously doesn’t respect me or my child or my husband so what’s the point in her seeing them if she treats us all terrible? Am I being unreasonable? I feel like I’m gonna go postal if I keep having to deal with her. She stresses me out so much to where I get really bad anxiety and panic attacks. My depression has gotten a lot worse because of her comments. So what should I do? We plan on moving out once we get our tax return (with stimulus in it since we never got ours). But she has threatened to sue for grandparent visitation rights with our first child (also for custody but we aren’t worried about her winning that lol). Her daughter has also threatened to sue for custody (not worried because she lives with a felon who does drugs and my husband and I haven’t done anything to warrant our kid being taken away from us).

Has anyone else dealt with something like this?