First day at day care didn't go so well...


So my little girl (16 months) just started day care. She really enjoyed her first three hours there. Didn't cry when we left her at all. But when it came to lunch time she apparently lost it. She didn't want to eat and she didn't want to sleep even though she was hungry and tired...

Yes she usually gets breastfed before naps but she has slept without it at times when looked after by grandparents so I was hopeful she would just forget about it.

We have a week before she starts again so I'm looking for ways to help her adjust. I'm currently nap training her - giving her a bottle of cows milk, no breast milk, and making sure she goes to her cot completely awake. It is day 2 and its already a bit better. I still breastfeed throughout the day a bit, should I stop?

Any other tips? Will she get used to the routine there? My mother in law is pressuring me to stay home but I really want to work... :(