How do you coparenting parents handle

How do you handle when you drop your children off to the other parent for visitation/custody and they are young say 1.5-2 yrs old or any age and he doesnt put them down for a nap or just disrespect their schedules? Or if he tries putting them down for a nap but it doesn't work.... the father of my children doesn't think children need naps. So he either doesn't try or he tries but the wrong way. When he tries my son doesn't go down for a nap because that's not what he is use to the way he is trying to do it. So I try giving him suggestions and he tells me he knows how to parent. But clearly our son who is 1.5 yrs old isn't napping and its screwing up his sleeping habits and behavior he has had for a year while he was in rehab. I understand everyone has different ways of parenting. But this is a child's schedule and its important... do the judges even consider this during custody battle? It's so frustrating i have to re train him everytime I get him back.