weird af and general symptoms


my last two cycles have Been a bit abnormal one cyle was two days late my last af was on time but it was a mixture of spotting light bleeding and 1 day of heavy bleeding then nothing I know this question sounds stupid but there is absolutely no chance I could be pregnant is there as for the last week or so I have had general nausea that started as mild nausea but has gotten very bad food aversion there is quite a few foods that make me very nauseous hot flushes weeing more more thirsty constantly tired although this could be because I haven't been sleeping very well for a week as I have been too nauseous and my hot flushes keeps me up at night decreased appetite as I'm too nauseous to eat headaches slight back ache in my lower back lightheaded etc I think I know the answer but I wanted to get a second opinion to double check any advice would be appriciated