So for the past 2 1/2 months everything has been normal and fine with my vagina but then out of the blue I start getting a extremely dry vagina with thick, whitish/yellow discharge, burning/numbness all over the inside and out of my vagina, it almost feels sore at times and my clit is like super sensitive. It comes with an itchy feeling also. I continue to have sex when I have this happen, and the sex is painful and uncomfortable feeling but I still get the pleasure of doing it. The only time I get relief when having this feeling is having my legs open. I just got back together with my boyfriend and I started feeling this since then usually before my period is about to start, but I did date a few people before we got together and so did he, which makes me wonder if this is a yeast infection or maybe something else like a std? Please no judgements, just need help and an explanation! 😭