
So my boyfriend and I have a baby he’s 2 months old he also has a 2 year old he has another mom well I’m having a little trouble my boyfriends sister just had a baby she’s a girl she also has another child by someone else well her baby is the first girl grandchild and I’m really struggling mentally with my feelings she was born yesterday and everyone has been posting all kinds of things about her (totally fine) but people in my boyfriends family post stuff bout her like our niece is here but never once posed anything about our son...and my boyfriends step mom says things like oh she’s going to be wrapped around our finger....and I don’t say anything but it’s really hurtful. My child is very special because of everything I have went through before having him so getting pregnant was a blessing. So to have them be all about her cuz she’s the first girl grandchild kills me. My boyfriend just says well I’d they don’t want anything to do with him then fine we don’t have to see them. I just don’t know if anyone else has ever felt like this and please do not be rude. I can’t help how I feel. (Just to add to it I wanted a girl really bad but now that I have my son I wouldn’t trade him for the world he’s my best friend! But there is still a little jealousy) if anyone has been through this how did you handle it?