"I'll pray for you" has become a cop out

This isn't to be offensive to religious people. This is mostly directed at my family.

I just cut off my family because I've realized they don't give as fuck. They only need me when I am useful to them because they know I have a hard time saying no. They've used me for money, I let my mom move in 6 months ago and she invited people over and trashed my place like a damn High schooler! I help everyone but as soon as I need help my family is like "Oh I'll pray for you." Heres an example. My daughter got sent to the hospital for an allergic reaction and I asked my aunt(who I gave $60 to a few days ago) if she could drive me to the hospital. She just said "I'll pray for you." And that same day she posted about going to the club. So apparently she was struggling so much and needed that 60 bucks but could afford to go to a club and doesn't even care that I needed help to see my daughter. My issue is when they ask for stuff they want real physical things, not prayers. I'm not even religious so I don't pray for people anyway unless they really want me to. I'm not saying praying for someone is bad. But if you have tools to help them with what they need help with, especially when you are constantly asking them for things and you just way "I'll pray for you" that is such a cop out. I'm at the point where I'm done helping people. I just need to focus on me and my family