My relationship with my bf is deteriorating because of different cleaning habits

We haven’t spoken since last night and I’m typing this as he’s literally sitting right next to me because we both work from home in a studio apartment.

I’m tired of feeling naggy and second guessing myself thinking that I’m crazy for asking him to do the bare minimum. I’m not a maid, I’m not his mother and quite frankly his mother isn’t his maid either. Ladies let’s PLEASE teach our sons to do better.

I’m fine with doing most of the house work but I refuse to clean up after him. Clothes on the floor everywhere, dirty plates left everywhere, never helps with dishes, never does laundry unless I ask and at that point it’s a fight.

For the first time in my life I want to stand up for myself and not just do everything all of the time but it’s making me sad that he doesn’t care enough to do his part.