Is it anxiety , depression 😔


Hi guys ! This is my first time posting in this group. I'm a 26 year old college student (full time) me and my deceased child's father have recently broken up. (January 17) I just fee horrible , he would say mean things to me (before the actual breakup ) I would find out he would be talking about me behind my back to his friends . I had a suicide attempt because he was just so badgering .. he told his friends in a group chat (this dumb b-word tried to kill her self) It would be never ending with this guy. He was quite a gaslighter , he is former marine, which I believe he as manic depression/bipolar . He has family that suffers from mental illness as it is obvious when holding a conversation .after all we've been through I decided to move on until one day he contacted me.. (I was hospitalized) he then just called me his gf out of nowhere.. sounds crazy right ? I was hospitalized for over 10 days due to my pleurisy and asthma. He manipulated me to the point I agreed to move to another state with him. I use to work 60 hrs a week if not more .

I was a stay at home gf.. he decided to just up Nd leave jan17 . He made hints but when I would ask he would brush it off Nd start love bombing me . He basically faked this whole relationship thinking he could gain from my worth ethic. I also moved because he complained so bad Nd stated "he would live in his car " because things at home were so bad . (They weren't )

Guys we would argue over small things that no man should be doing .. ---wiping hands on carpet , eating directly on bed without putting down a towel . Shit like that ! It was juss stupid .

Now that I've gotten tired of inviting him over Nd being just platonic .. I cut him off completely .. no argue , anything ! Just complete cut off .

I sit home sometimes and cry , and feel sorry for my self because I think about events , and just hurts my chest . I should be great for hos I turned out right ? I have my apartment , got a great paying job  , have a couple grand in savings .. whaaat is it 😭😔😔😔😔