When would you test?

I am due for af in about 4 days. I have been tracking cm and it's still the thick creamy sorry tmi but one site says its normal before af another says its normal if you have concieved. But lately I feel awful. Sharp pain in my left pelvic area and just tired no matter how much sleep I get. But I can't handle another bfn ?
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I'm getting the same ... Just got some hard news on the weekend and I think i will actually have a breakdown if I see another bfn :( ​​Apparently cm is not a good indicator of pregnancy or AF so nothing is really conclusive ... Fingers crossed hoping for a BFP and that this is our month ! 


Jessica • Sep 23, 2014
I really hope this is it. Baby dust to you ✨✨✨


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Id def wait a few days to test! Bfn just make us lose hope:( I had lots of cm with my pregnancy in March but none when I had 2 chemical pregnancies so cm doesn't always give us a def answer:/ stupid lady parts lol