MIL update again.


Ugh I think I have reached past my breaking point and just cannot be here with my MIL anymore two days ago she came up and took my oldest daughter with out permission or even letting me know and today she came up again and this time took both my daughters and they just left god knows where I am basically at the point where I am asking myself what would happen if I just call the police and report my daughters taken without my consent she always throws in the police card when she argues with my husband threatening to call the police on him if he touches her(Which he has never and would never even lay a finger on her to hurt her) so I’m just wondering why not just do the same thing to her I mean I might be wrong but I feel like I have a pretty good reason to call the police since she did just take both my daughters without permission or even asking. At the moment right now I am packing up all of my daughters and my stuff and my husband is at work and so I texted him letting him know everything but he doesn’t want to leave since we are not financially stable just yet but to this point anywhere but this he’ll portal is better especially if it’s far away from my MIL. As soon as my husband gets back from work which should be around 6ish and my daughters get brought back I am getting out of this place for good and I would love if I don’t ever have to come in contact with my MIL ever again that would be a dream come true. I am so furious at the moment that it’s even hard for me to type this I am just viciously shaking and crying of anger, sadness, and just feeling like I am the worst person on earth. I feel like I just cannot think straight or breath anymore but I just hope as soon as I leave this nightmare I will be able to catch my breath again.