Need some Advice

So, this is my first relationship. I’m 21 & I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t experienced it before or if I’m overreacting or what.

My boyfriend is very social. He can make friends with anyone, anywhere. Which is fine. However, he adds all these random girls on Snapchat and messages them. It usually starts one of them will ask what the other looks like, they send pics say nice and then the other send pics they say nice. Well this time I’m concerned about went a little different. So, it’s some random girl he doesn’t know. She asked what he looked like, he sent pics, she said he looked handsome. He asked what she looked like, she sent pics, he said “you are so beautiful”. This is the part that bothers me. Him saying she looks so beautiful. Now, this was the only part I saw, these words. Everything else is what he told me happened.

I asked why he didn’t just say nice like usual. He said she called him handsome, so he was trying to do the same level. He then tried to justify when I asked about it by saying, “what if that made her day?” I don’t care if it did, if it did good. But, is he right to do that? To call another girl beautiful when he’s in a relationship for almost a year? He doesn’t see anything wrong with it. It really upsets me because those are the exact words he says to me. He said he will stop though, because it bothers me.

Trust me it bothers me that he tries to be friends with all these other girls. I’ve seen pics of some & they’re not all cute, some aren’t so good looking. But, I try to give some leeway because he wants friends. It’s not because I’m insecure. It bothers me because he asks them wyd all the time. It makes it seem like he’s really interested & cares. I’m afraid it gives them the wrong impression that he may be looking for more, not sex just a relationship maybe. He says he wouldn’t ever let it get to that, but I assume they think he may be interested in more.

Am I overreacting? What are your thoughts?