Does it mean I’m unattractive if I’m 25 and still a virgin (not out of choice)?

I turned 25 and was invited for my cervical smear. It upset me cause the lady asked me all these questions if I bleed after sex etc. I said no cause I’ve never had sex and it’s really upsetting me now

I’ve been trying to put myself out there for years but I never get asked on dates, rejected constantly, ghosted on dating apps. I’ve focused so much on my career in which I just lost my job too so I’m like what’s the point. I’m lonely and rarely meet anyone, no one makes an effort with me and I have to make all the effort to make friends and then I never hear from people again

I just want to meet someone and have amazing sex and a nice relationship and I can’t even have that :( I’m embarrassed I’ve never had sex before my first smear

Life’s so short and I was looking forward to a fun sex life in my 20s

Guys stare at me and I’m told I’m pretty but I don’t get it. Noones ever made any effort with me whatsoever

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