Low Milk supply in the Afternoon - Tips?

L • She/her

Hey mommas! FTM here with a question for you all.

Background: LO will be 8 weeks old on Wednesday. EBF, gets one bottle of breast milk before bed from her Daddy (preparing for daycare). Gaining weight like a champ. So far, I’m only pumping during the first feed (her on one breast and pumping the other) and when her daddy gives her a bottle at night.

I’ve been noticing my supply is low in the afternoons and evening, which I know is normal. My LO has been very fussy in the late afternoon/ early evening for about two weeks, where she cluster feeds and it’s been hard to soothe her. (The only thing that does it is holding her upright on your shoulder while moving, and more recently, her mamaroo bouncer)

What are you best tips for increasing supply in the afternoons? I just bought some bodyarmour and granola bars for that period (I’ve read increasing calories and being really hydrated can help). She’s already cluster feeding during those times, normally about once an hour for short periods. I haven’t tried any supplements or foods to increase.

Thanks in advance!