My baby like to yell at people

My baby girl is so sweet and always happy but she is fighter and don’t like sharing her crayons. My baby is 1 she will share food and sometimes her toys but she will take all the crayons and if you pick up a different one she takes that one and will have a hand full. She will say no and then a bunch of baby chatting. She is the same when you have something she wants she try to snatch it away or if you try to take it away from her she raise her voice and says move, or stop or no. She is other wise so damn sweet she love to hug and give me kisses she loves outside. She is adorable I’m not sure if I should just let her cry when she act like that. I do redirect her when she behave that way and tell her that’s not how we act. At her one year appointment the doctor said she is healthy and it’s just behavior for a one year old. Any other parents have this behavior from they child? She is an only child but does play with other children and loves playing with other children. One of the nurses tired to tell me it could be because she may be spoiled and have two many things but when I told the pediatrician that the nurse told me that she said that is false. She stated that she is acting like a one year old, and I just have to direct her to the appropriate behavior. I was only concerned because maybe her not wanting to share or throwing a fit when something is taken from her can be concern for something else. Maybe I’m just over thinking. Even now I’m just running on. She is so smart otherwise like blows my mind smart.