excessive fluids ??


I don’t mean to sound dumb, but I really have no clue...I had yeast infection symptoms about a week ago and used monistat 7 to clear it up. I got a week of relief before the symptoms came back worse than before. I’ve been using the monistat again, but haven’t felt any relief yet. On top of the profuse itchiness, there is also a slight off-smell to me, and an excessive amount of fluids.

This might be a silly thought, but I’m not sure if the fluids are a symptom of the possible yeast infection (i hope that’s what this is) or if they are because Im entering ovulation. When I say excessive fluids, I mean soaking my underwear to the point my shorts are sopping wet between my legs. Like to the point i have liquid dribbling down my legs.

Has anyone else experienced this or can anyone explain to me why it’s happening? I feel kinda dumb for not knowing, as if I should know.