My ex deletes his messages!



After a fight, my bf and I didn’t speak for a month and now at 2 AM after I’ve posted a story on IG (that states I’m in his city)he sent me a message on IG that I didn’t fully read because he deleted it before I opened it he said smthg like “tomorrow is the full moon…” and then an hour later he did it again saying “see you tomorrow for…” and deleted it. Again before I read it.

what does it mean? What should I do? Why he doesn’t fucking make up his mind and just say what he got to say?

Honestly after I saw this post I made a whole program in my head on what should I wear…

To relate, we’ve been together for about 9 months and he’s leaving the country at the end of the month, I’m supposed to join him in 10 months (I’m going with or without him) and last month before the fight we were supposed to spend our last week end nights together at my apartment but because of our fight for a very silly and not serious argument he canceled our LAST special night together and stopped talking.

I was devastated and concluded that he was just playing this whole time and that he wasn’t serious about all our plans for the futur… and now I’m really confused.

Should I tell him that I’ve seen his messages? Should I agree to meet him and give him a second chance IF he ever asks for it? Will our couple survive a long distance relationship considering all this?

Any advice is welcome..I’m suffering from all this.