relationship ship problems


so me & this boy have been on & off for about 2 years. he’s the one i lost my virginity to & my first love. we’ve been through so much together. & he has had sex w someone else on me , he’s texted other girls while i was laying on side him (he doesnt find he’s wrong for these bc he said we were just “talking” but this is when we were talking for about 8 months) he has talked down on me , & he has cheated multiple times. then we broke up & i started talking to one of his “opps” which i understand how that’s wrong but we were so say done so why cant i choose who to talk to ? but anyways he had went to jail & we decided to put all of that behind us. so i held him down or whatever but i had broken up with his for a period of time bc i felt like he was just using me. so i had linked with another boy & he found out about it when he came home & he says “i cheated” but we were broken up. which i feel like he just wanted to reason to break up bc he wanted to do what he wants do. but any advice? because he is my first love.