I’m scared I’m going to harm somebody

I just turned 21 in May. I grew up with a really poor upbringing and most of my life has been spent in the hood (I’m Hispanic, Dominican to be exact). Lately, I’ve come to the realization that I get TOO ANGRY and sometimes I want to kill people or harm them seriously because they wrong me or we get into a huge disagreement. My boyfriend has told me that my temper is really scary and he hasn’t met a girl who is so vengeful. I try really hard to not get upset because I hate getting angry because it makes me feel so bad physically, but therapy has not made it better and I’m in fear one day that I’ll snap and actually end up hurting somebody and go to jail. I’ve tried breathing strategies, tried calming myself down, even tried meditating but nothing seems to work. I honestly feel really trapped and upset because I feel like a part of me is too angry to be a proper parent in the future, I’ve tried every resort and nothing helps. I don’t know what to do.