My younger sister-please read

My younger sister who is 23 lives with me, and my family (husband and kids). She pays no rent or anything. She was living with my mom and my siblings but decided to live with me because her and my mom don’t get alone that well. I have four kids and the house chores got to me so I asked her to help me deep clean the bathrooms once a week since she lives at the house. She basically said no and that she will move to my mom’s house if she has to clean. I told her okay move if you like but if you decide to stay you have to contribute to the household. She packed her belongings and moved out..

She said I am ungrateful because she helps babysit and she shouldn’t have to clean at all. By the way she only babysits on Wednesdays for couple hours and i do appreciate her help but we all live in the house and we all have to do our part to keep it clean:

My question is I am wrong for wanting her to help out more?