Should I have even said anything?

I’ve been at my job for 4 years and yesterday was the only time I dealt with some drama here dealing with me and it was so childish in my opinion. So yesterday my manager had a talk with me about employee appreciation and ect. And I was honest with him about how I felt I said to be honest I don’t really feel appreciated he said tell me why and I told him how i felt some type of way when my co workers don’t do their job properly or just don’t do it all and the next shift has more work to do all because of what wasn’t done he blamed it on their “lack of training” and I’m the one who pretty much trained everybody. I didn’t train two people but I told him I train everybody to the best of my ability and I always ask if they have any questions and are they confused with anything and everyone told me no they understood everything. And I said at this point in time they should know what they’re doing. It’s times where everything is done perfect and then other times nothing is barely done. And it was other stuff we talked about but anyway this guy who works in a different department must of walked passed and decided to listen and go back and tell my co worker that later I was having a meeting with my manager and I’m going to put everyone under the bus. And he told her to watch who your friends are in here and it was some more bill shit he added on. My co worker didn’t want me to say any to him at first but I had to tell her no he needs to stop being in people business stirring up drama especially since this had nothing to do with him and he doesn’t even work in this department. I told her exactly what I said and she already know because I told her before how to things are often left undone sometimes she’s gotten better though. But I told the guy when I seem him I said what was that you was saying to Maddie? (My coworker) and he was stuttering until I cut him off I said look please keep my name out your mouth and I walked away before he can say anything else. I want nothing to do with him. All he does is walk around being in people business.

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