Barking Dogs


I will never, ever understand how people can just let their dogs bark all night every night for hours. If your dumb dog is keeping me up in the middle of the night 3 houses down, how the hell are you not bothered by it?

If all you’re going to do is keep your dog outside every single day on a chain and let it bark, you don’t need to have a damn dog.

I tried to ignore it, I tried to block it out, but finally I had to call animal control and I hope this asshole gets a huge fucking fine because I’m so sick and tired of being up all night because they don’t give a shit about their animals or anyone else.

I’ve had dogs my whole life, I have NEVER allowed them to bark incessantly like this. I will never understand how people are okay with their dogs barking all goddamn night…

Rant over, maybe I can finally get some sleep after animal control gives them a visit… wish me luck anyway. 😤