Why am i like this

I wouldn’t consider myself a high maintenance friend. I don’t have many to begin with. I’ll text my friends to check in on them. ( otherwise they would not check in on me ) They’ll often go days not replying to me…sometimes not at all. I see them posting on social media. I tend to overthink and wonder why they don’t reply to me. Is it me that’s the problem for expecting? I guess I’m wondering when to know you should stop putting in energy towards others when it doesn’t feel the same is being given to you. & at times I feel like those same people come out the cuts and start expecting me to do this or that. Come on now…if you can’t communicate when I’m genuinely asking how you’re doing / you not asking me…what makes you think I’ll bend over backwards. I already know people are going to comment how they’re adults and don’t care if people get back to you or not. Ahh