Why is it soooo hard!

My partner and I are together but we don’t live together for various reasons. So when I have appointments or just running around to do that I don’t want to drag along our 2 year old for, he goes to my partners house. I stay at his house one night a week and he stays at my house 2-3 nights a week.

The last few times he had him at his house, he’s had bloody diarrhea and rashes after. That’s a dairy reaction for him because he’s very allergic. So I’d ask what he fed him and it was always “what you sent” I *know* I don’t send anything with dairy because I don’t have anything with dairy in my house, ever!

So I’m over at his house and went to get my son’s cup and find this in the cupboard

I’m sooo angry right now because I’m always the one that has to deal with the reaction and he acts like it must be something I’ve done 🤬 about to ruin our night, unfortunately

*** it IS going to ruin our night because intentional or not, it made our son VERY sick multiple times. When I specifically ask what he fed him so I could try to figure it out, he lied and says only what I sent. I purposely send food because he doesn’t even TRY to keep dairy out of his diet. I’m sorry, but that’s total negligence. If I did that frequently, he’d flip out on me for making our child ill repeatedly. He has ONE child and ONE food allergy to remember. It’s not new, we’ve known for over a year now. It’s pure stupidity at this point.