What do I do?

My dads an addict and he’s moved in with his sister. My aunts paid for an interventionist who we have for 90 days. The idea is, he’ll follow my dad throughout care so long as it’s within the paid 90 days.

Apparently how they do it, is 3 meetings in a week then an intervention. We’ve been doing a meeting a week(minus a week we skipped) and then had a date for the intervention planned. Our last meeting we all had to set a boundary and my aunts was supposed to be kicking him out if he refuses help. She’s said she can’t do that.

My aunt decided that because my dad has a huge work project due in September she’d postpone the intervention as she felt he wouldn’t go until it’s over. She called my mom to tell her but basically said that certain parties wouldn’t be able to make it. She was super vague about the situation. My mom said she’d tell me and my sister but my aunt took it upon herself to call my sister and tell her, but not me. My aunt also told my mom she didn’t care when my mom mentioned how we only have the interventionist for a certain amount of time.

My mom spoke to my sister and got the full story on why it was canceled, but she ended up getting in a fight with my sister/causing my sister to cry when my mom expressed her frustration that my aunt canceled without consulting her, and how since my aunt says she can’t kick him out, we have to go to plan B. My sister is sticking up for my aunt and all her decision. My moms asked me to speak to my sister and see how she’s feeling about everything and sort of mention how my mom feels bad about what went down.

I don’t want to get in the middle of their fight so I lied to my mom and said I called my sister but she didn’t answer. What do I do?