What to do here? Help

I’ve been dating this guy for almost 8 months now. Everything seem to be going well until last month when he started growing a bit distant. Overall, we still talked and texted but not as normally and consistently as we did before, to the point where he’ll go 2 to 3 days, even 4 without responding back. I would bring it up and he’ll either evade the question or vaguely respond as if he didn’t mean to or like it never happen.

Recently, I had to ask him again. I asked him that I noticed that he was distant and if everything was okay. He responded that he was dealing with mental issues and that he apologies for being distant. Of course, I offered him my support and help and if he just needed someone to listen or talk to that I’m here for him. Either convos still happen up until Wednesday when I checked in on him to see how he was doing, he responded and even ask me about my day, which I in turn did the same and again, offer my support. He never responded and he hasn’t since this past Wednesday.

He’s been very active on social media, but hasn’t taken the liberty to respond back to me or at least check in. I was worried about him and thought maybe he just need the space so I gave it to him, but now I’m having second thoughts and don’t know if that was the case and slow fading me? But why would you use mental illness as an excuse, that’s a serious matter. I doubt he would do something like that right? Idk, I’m upset and confused and almost just want to be petty and remove him from all my social media it’s been a week since I’ve last heard from him. What should I do or even approach this in the most dignified way? Help please.