My Ex’s mom pushing to pick up my son from school

Angela • Baby Boy Born July 20th 2016💙 Baby Girl Born August 24th 2018 🎀 Baby Girl #2 Born January 2022 🎀 🌈 Baby Boy #2 born May 17th 2024 💙

I am so incredibly irritated right now. It could be pregnancy hormones I don’t know anymore.

I have two kids with my narcissistic ex husband, who has 14% custody by choice, and gets the kids every other weekend. Is supposed to pay $200 a month in child support (nothing if it were up to me, f- that guy) that he’s only ever paid three months of. Anyways our sons first day of kindergarten was Monday, my ex didn’t bother to ask when he started, didn’t come to meet the teacher day or the first day. He’s never once been to the school or bothered with signing him up.

So he had the kids this last weekend, meaning the kids stayed at his parents and he was there occasionally. Well today is my sons 3rd day of school, we are still getting into our new routine and getting pick up and drop off times figured out. Well my ex calls and wants his mom to pick my son up; his mother also has never been to the school, has no idea which gate to pick him up at or what time and is not on the emergency contact list. I told my ex all of this and said this is something we could start in the next few weeks but not the first week and he had a complete hissy fit. He got all pissed off and pulled the “well I miss my kids and I want to see them

“ bullshit, which I’m sure I sound like a bitch but this man never wants his kids. The only time he wants them is when his mom wants them, when she does out of town he never asks to see them.

So I asked him what about his daughter, he’s having a meltdown over his mom getting my son but never once mentioned her. “Oh well I can just get her later” like really? He doesn’t even get off work until 5, my son gets out of school at 2:10. If I’m still willing to drive him out there in the evening so he can see him why is it such a big deal that his mom gets him 3 hours before he’s off work? I’m so irritated. He couldn’t give two shits about his kids and his parents manipulate him to be an asshole so they can have them whenever they want. There’s a very big reason why she is not on the pick up list, custody wise it’s not even his time to have them and I’m not even denying him them! Ugh. I hate coparenting.