3 kids?

Listen, I realize no one “regrets” their kids... that is terrible,obviously. But, pros and cons of 3 kiddos close in age?

I have two kids: 2.5 and 6 months. I’m 31 years old, my husband is 42. We’re pretty sure we want 3 kids, but I keep getting cold feet due to logistics. Sigh.

The adjustment to two kids was A LOT for me. We are still adjusting. I was exhausted until we sleep trained at 4 months, and it was so hard to care for two kiddos on little sleep. I breastfeed, so that’s always time consuming. Also, my toddler is STILL struggling with jealousy.

My infant is sooo sweet and content. She’s truly an easy baby. I don’t want her to become a middle child and feel forgotten. She’s so special to me!

I’m a stay at home mom. I already feel like I struggle to give each kiddo the right amount of attention.

Then there are logistics: like putting 3 car seats in a car. We’re getting a van soon, but like one of my kids would have to go in the third row. Climbing back there to buckle them in sounds really annoying. Plus, they will still be rear facing at that point most likely. Leaving the house with 3 kids and managing them at stores sounds miserable. Affording 3 college funds sounds incredibly expensive. Coordinating 3 bedtimes and baths sounds really tough. Ever finding a babysitter to watch 3 little ones sounds really hard too. I don’t even know someone willing to watch the two I have when I go to give birth to a 3rd.

I know it sounds stupid. We lead a comfortable life, and I’m afraid I will disrupt that with a third kid. Eventually I will return to work, and we will have even more income, but that’s a ways off.

My husband just left the military. I told him I couldn’t agree to a third kid while he was in (not to be manipulative, I just know what I can handle). He’s agreed that 3 is max. I agree our family doesn’t feel complete. I want a 3rd kid, but our kids will all be so close in age. I feel like I need to think “big picture “. I’m sure we will have a tough couple of years, but then I think I will love having 3 kiddos.

Any insight? Thoughts? Experience?