How to get my husband to be on the same page with me

My husband spoils our daughter rotten… please don’t get me wrong, it’s all cute and what not but I feel that he is over spoiling her. He allows her to do things her own way, allows her to have whatever she wants, etc. She’s only 3. It sometimes make me feel like the bad parent because he isn’t on the same page with me parenting wise. For example, we agreed that our kids would not be allowed to drink fizzy drinks unless on special occasions. Today, our daughter came to me to ask for a can of coke, I said no she isn’t allowed fizzy drinks. My husband was there when I told her this. She then went to him to ask him, and he gave her a can. He said “it’s just a can”. It might be “just a can” to him, but I want him to stick to our parenting agreement, and not just give in when he sees her face. Is anyone else’s significant other like this?