Sick toddler

Last night my 2 year old daughter had a stuffy nose and a cough and after she drank her bottle and went to sleep she woke up about 2 hours later and threw up her entire bottle all over her bed. We cleaned her up and changed the bedding then she asked for another bottle, she drank that then fell asleep then again 2 hours later she woke up puking all that up too so we were up all night, she threw up again this morning then had a long nap when she woke up I gave her Tylenol to break her fever as she was extremely hot to touch and since then she’s been I great spirits playing singing laughing and keeping all her food down. My husband figured that since she kept all her food and water down all day that bottle should be okay at bed, I’m literally so stressed that she’s going to puke again. Has this happened to anyone else’s kids before?