My boyfriend is blaming me


So when I had my 20 months old son my tubes got tied. And this was in 2020. Well when he was 3 months we had a mc. So I was like okay we had it fail this one time there is no way it’s going to happen again. Well I was wrong here we are today and I’m 4 weeks and 5 days. And he is blaming me because I wanted to be with my man and he the one that didn’t pull out. So we both the blame in that case. And he also upset because he didn’t want another baby right now. What he fail to see is I’m 32 years old. And after this baby or babies I’m asking for a hysterectomy because I’m very fertile. And I’m done I will have my 4 kids or 5 kids if I’m having twins. What more can I ask for.