Divorced people of glow, advice please

How did your marriage end? How did you know it was time to move on in your life?

I have been questioning my marriage for a long time now. I want to make sure if I do leave, its for the right reasons and not something trivial like I'm bored with my life and need a change.

The biggest thing for me has been this feeling like this just isn't right. Something doesn't feel right. Is that enough of a reason to end an 8 year marriage/12 year relationship with 2 kids?

I tried to take a break in the marriage before, told him I wasn't sure how I felt about him, us, everything. It went poorly. How did you know you weren't making a mistake if there isn't a huge blaring problem in your life/relationship?!

None of this is fair to him. I want him to be with someone who adores him, supports him but he's assured me that I'm enough. I dont feel like I am nor do I feel like he's enough for me.

BUT won't these same issues just come with me into the next relationship I find myself in? How much of what I'm feeling is just me, being crazy?

I appreciate any and all feedback, advice.

Thank you for reading