Fiancé won’t use condoms

I’ve finally been cleared by my OB for sex.

My fiancé and I both don’t want any more kids for a while so we can enjoy our time together with our first. I am waiting on my IUD to be shipped to my OBs office and they said it could take about 2 months. In the meantime, I don’t want to wait for sex and instead use condoms and spermicidal lube to protect ourselves. My fiancé on the other hand, wants to wait for the IUD. I understand his fears about getting pregnant but I got pregnant on birth control in the first place and I feel an IUD isn’t enough.

We haven’t had sex in 6 months. He wouldn’t have sex with me while I was pregnant and he now he refuses to use condoms. I don’t think he will even want sex after the IUD.

He says he wants sex but he never initiates anything or even simply talk about it. I’ve communicated that in am ready and offer solutions (like condoms) as a form of contraception but he refuses to wear them and it doesn’t seem like he wants me at all. He gets upset when I try to talk to him (calmly and understanding) and he doesn’t want anything to do with sex at all.

Physical touch is my love language. Being untouched for 6 months has been incredibly difficult for me and I’ve communicated that clearly the entire time but he just doesn’t get it. I’m depressed, I’m tired of using my vibrator because it does nothing for me anymore and I just want to be wanted.