Suicidal Marine brother poem

My brother is a suicidal, alcoholic, drug abusing marine vet who can’t seem to find his way out...

- I Hope He Dies -

I hope he dies. I hope the other sees what’s inside, finds his pride, swallows it dry and says goodbye.

I hope he dies. He’s killed the strength of so many, the lives of too many, and yet finds a way into our lives as we welcome him gladly and say goodbye to the other sadly.

I hope he disappears from our lives, lurking in the shadows always and forever because that’s what loneliness does, but no longer. The light is too hard to put out.

I hope he dies. May the other be free from his burdens, let him lay them to rest and be gone the dark one that day here for so long; choking, smothering, lying, laughing, smiling.

But it’s not real. None of it is. He’s an image, a figment of what’s perceived to be “real”.

Let him die, let him go, let him find another to call home. You aren’t my friend, or my family, you are my foe.

You are both unknown and yet known. Unpredictably predictable. Waste of my time, breath, energy, you’re done. You lost. Find another host and let my brother go.

* for those that would like more explanation, of course I’m not talking about wanting my brother to die, but rather the demons he carry’s inside that has lead him down this path and made him into this person I no longer recognize