Just Frustrated

So I've been pretty involved in a local volunteer organization for the last year. Recently one of my kids had a complete mental breakdown and was suicidal so I stayed with her 24/7 - even holding her as she slept every night. During this time I pretty much only concentrated on my immediate family and ignored my emails, calls, etc and didn't attend a couple of the virtual meetings for the org. Evidently everyone that did attend the meetings talked shit about me not being there (I was an interim leader, and me not being there did put them in a difficult spot). I don't feel comfortable divulging my daughter's mental health struggles and even saying "family medical emergency" isn't going to fly since I have some other family members (mother, sister) that also volunteer and they'll be like "what family emergency?!?" My kid doesn't want anyone outside our household to know and I respect that request for privacy. So, I just don't give any reason at all for my absence. And that makes me look like a shit person and it's embarrassing.

I finally got up the courage to attend tonight's meeting. People that used to talk and banter with me completely ignored me and acted like I wasn't even there. Anyway, not much I can do, but it really sucks to have to deal with the judgement.