Over it


To make a long story short my husband and I moved from our apartment back to the hollar where we moved from originally because we assumed his grandmother was letting us rent the trailer. We signed the contract and moved our stuff in and she never gave us a key but we've been staying with my FIL until we could get the utilities turned on

Anyways, TODAY she told my husband in private that she wasnt allowing us to rent the trailer, she told us she didn't say we could (even though we already signed the contract) and then she started going on about how I don't clean my FILs house (which 1.) It isn't my house and 2.) I've cleaned it 4 TIMES in 2 WEEKS) so she has an issue with me for no reason.

So my husband and I have decided to move back to our apartment because the landlord hasn't filled the paperwork yet and we want to be done here. We have been treated terrible since we came back, regardless of how we helped. (you'd have to know the full story and his family first) but now they're trying to run us off.

So yeah. My FIL afterlying on me is acting mad at me even though I didn't do ANYTHING so I'm hoping within a week we can rent a U-Haul and move our shit back to the home we left. It sucked because we hated apartment life but we are both realizing it was better than being here and treated like crap for moving and doing what was best for our family

(Oh yeah and my FIL told my husband we should stay here so he could "keep watch on the baby" as if I'm some terrible mom) so FUCK this place. Can't wait to move back

Rant over.