Anyone else feel like a single parent when married?🤦🏼‍♀️

Now, let me start off by saying I’m extremely grateful for my kids and extremely grateful I can stay at home BUT I always feel like I do it all with little if nothing help. My husband works, I do EVERYTHING else. My daughter is breastfed and on me 24/7. I never ask for help with her it’s all me. She is three months, he’s only changed 4 diapers. Never fully spends time, never changed her, never up at night, Ofcourse he cant feed her I don’t know. He’s been getting our son on the bus in the morning but I make sure his HW, lunch and clothes are set. Our marriage has been really rocky the last two years and I just feel wore out. Before you say, just tell him how you feel I pretty much have. I’ve cried n begged for his help to scrub the shower or mow the yard. It will get so disgusting before he ends up doing it. He promises he’d help after work n more with kids then never does. I feel like a broken record. End rant