Bunk bed toddler troubles.

We recently got bunk beds for our 5 and 3 year old since they have been non stop begging for one!!

We thought it was actually a great idea because then we could convert the extra room into a play room.

So this weekend was our first couple nights with the bunk bed and our youngest is constantly throwing a fit because he wants top not bottom. We've had the discussion with both boys about how our oldest will get top because we'll he's older, and I know he can handle the ladder a little better compared to our 3 year old. Especially in the middle of the night if they need the bathroom. They both seemed to understand.

Putting on the sheets that they picked out went easy, and our youngest understood his sheets were going on bottom where that's his area to sleep. And he was all for it.

But night time rolls around, he doesn't want bottom at all and threw a huge fit because of it. My husband is having to lay with him until he falls asleep, which then causes him to wake several times in the middle of the night when he realizes dad is no longer in his bed.

So now we are just stuck on what to do. He still wants the bunk bed, during the day he's all for the bottom bed. We have made it into his own area as much as we could.

He has his bedding he picked out, a special night light on his own night table next to him, his stuffed animals he sleeps with, etc.

I'm just torn, and extremely tired. He's always been a great napper too so I'm pretty sure this will also affect his naps 😫