How is it so hard?

I asked my husband if he could keep an eye on our daughter while I finally put clothes away in her room. The hamper OVERFLOWING with clothes has been sitting in her room for two weeks. I need time to fold and hang everything. Just 15 minutes.

Not even 2 minutes later…. She came in, got up on the her glider rocker all by herself, grabbed a blanket and a book.

Where is he? Sitting in the living on his phone. I didn’t ask for much. I asked for a few minutes out of the day to get one task done. This is just after he asked me what I’m stressing out over. Not having time for anything in between toddler meltdowns and constant “MAMA!! MAMA!! MAMA!!” To which he tells me I need to just chill and let it go. He says I need to calm down about things but how many times do I have to keep asking for help? I know he can read my mind but when I spell out what I need and HE STILL DOESN’T DO IT?! Why is it so hard to help the mother of your child out with a small task? I’m with our child all day long and just needed a few minutes to focus. But he doesn’t understand why I get frustrated. 😩

No clothes got put away because she kept asking me to sit with her and read books. Which I love doing but with the surrounding situation I was annoyed.