Unknown friend for BIL

Am I the A**hole? Ok so my husband wanted to host Christmas at our house this year and invite his whole family which I’m more then happy to do knowing full well I’ll be doing all the peeping, cooking, and taking care of our 4 children (including our new 3 month old) leading up to and during the holiday party. My husband’s brother asked to bring a friend whom we have never met before (a complete stranger) my husband said yes but didn’t talk to me first about it. I found out and told my husband NO! He’s a stranger coming to our house (my BIL sells drugs and hangout with questionable people he has also drove with my 2 year old in the car without my permission only my husband’s permission while BIL was intoxicated). Needless to say I don’t trust my BIL judgement especially with people. My husband thinks I’m being judgmental since it’s the holidays and some people don’t have family to spend it with. Am I the A**hole for being adamant that BIL doesn’t bring a friend and if he does then I will leave with the kids and go else we’re?

EDIT: my husband allowed his brother to drive drunk with our 2 year old in a truck with no backseat his car seat in the front facing forward with an airbag. His excuse our son wanted to ride in the truck and it was only a 3 mile drive. I was PISSED!

When I was young I was molested by a married in family members half brother (who was just a few years older then me. So I have very little trust in strangers.

When our second child was 2 she was bit by a Mojave rattle snake. It did serious damage to her leg and caused a bleeding problem where she needed blood transfusions. She wound up having 3 of them in a 24 hour span. Since she has a rare blood type (AB-) we were asked to share he story for American Red Cross to use her story to help push the importance of donating blood. When I talked to my husband about it he got very angry and said he didn’t want our daughters information out there exposed to strangers. However he is ok with a complete stranger coming into our home where our kids are?