Breaking up to Not hurt him?!

Hello peeps!
I'm wondering if anyone with GAD has ever thought of breaking up with a wonderful man just because you think your anxiety would hurt him... & in my case I feel like I've hurt my family enough that I can't let myself hurt this man who's so dear to my heart,,
I mean I don't want to make his life worse, a relationship is about making each other's life better!
I'm just so confused, I feel terrible that I even think about it... I mean it breaks me into pieces thinking of letting him go but maybe it's for the greater good? (+ it's not only that, my parents are religious n he's of a different religion..)
But then I think I'll always get better n relapse & I gotta let someone see my misery....
But even though I can't help it, I just feel guilty for affecting everyone around me!!!
I don't want to let him see me cry..... Cause I know I wouldn't be able to stop n even if he freaks out n realizes I'm to0 much,,, he wouldn't back out because of sympathy!!!
Any advice ladies?
How to discuss it with him?!