Peaceful but sad miscarriage

Friday would have been 10 weeks for me on the dot. That's when I saw the spotting bright red. No cramps, no warning, nothing. I made an emergency appt with my OB and was told by the doctor that the fetal sac was measuring 6-7 weeks and there was no heartbeat. At the time I thought nothing of it. It couldn't be that bad right. But the way it was explained to me was. "We will do blood work to day and again on Monday to make Sure your HCG levels are rising which means everything will be fine." So I make another appt a week from that Friday to get another ultrasound scan. I went this entire weekend with light spotting and I put myself on bed rest. Lol I tried my best not to stress because if course I googled what the doctor told me about measuring small. And ll the stories ended in "missed miscarriage" it was hard so I kept my mind busy I talked to my husband I played with my 19 month old. But my mind kept going back to the thought of "I'm carrying a 6-7 week fetus inside of me and it isn't alive" today (Sunday) I went to the mall with my family everything's fine we come back I really have to pee. I go to the bathroom and pee and I feel a little slimy thing like blood clot slip from me. I look in the toilet and see a little sac. Of course I picked it up to examine. And I tell my husband that I'm heading over to the ER. I sit for hours waiting to tell me what I've already came to the conclusion if a miscarriage. The thing is I didn't see it coming. I didn't feel anything. I'm crying now just writing this. I'm a mix of emotions. Sad, mad, confused. Why did his happen to me? I had a healthy long term pregnancy a while back how could this happen?? And my husband said we can/will try again but I do t want this to happen again. I'm scared and will be on my toes the entire time. The one gong I can say is that I'm glad the God took enough pity to make it painless. I've always heard about the painful miscarriages. No ever talks about a "silent" one. But yea. I'm new to the group and that's my story. 😔😌