Corey • Happily married and the Mother of one beautifully mischievous little girl and one sweet baby boy.
I know it's a small thing but over the past 13 years of big, little, and medium things with this woman I just want to rip my hair out!!! I've been on Atkins now since January. She knows this and SO DOES EVEYONE else for that matter. I tell her where I can eat and where I can't eat. We are going to dinner for my brother-in-law's birthday and she picks a place ( I've told her repeatedly and recently) I can't eat. And it's not like there is other things I can eat I can LITTERLY NOTHING!!!!!!!! She has treated me like crap since the start. I've tried and tried but finally had enough when I tried to do something very nice and all I got was an "oh thanks" "Trisha is doing my nails tonight!" (Then her other son's girlfriend now his ex wife). Oh and my birthday was on the 3rd and she didn't get me anything and we saw her on the 5th. There's a lot more to it all but I'm just tired of being treated like trash.