Calculate O after miscarriage or CP? Please read descriptions for answers.

My cycle is consistently 25 days. However this cycle, a chemical pregnancy delayed AF by a full week.  Glow chalked it up to a 32 day cycle and marked CD1 as the day I miscarried, making today CD3.  Despite heavy bleeding and cramping, my body is otherwise acting like I'm on CD10, as if the CP never happened.  I've read fertility spikes immediately after CP, so I don't want to miss this cycle... But don't know how to calculate.  For this cycle, how do I calculate?
#1) ignore Glow, follow your normal 25 day cycle count and what your body is telling you 
#2) CD1 is the first day you start bleeding/miscarrying/AF.  If AF was delayed one week, then ovulation should be delayed one week 
#3) impossible to know this cycle 
#4) not sure, but I conceived in the cycle immediately following a CP or m/c

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