No Judgement Here

I see a lot of mis informed comments concerning relationships between cousins. And birth defects. In the United States relationships between cousins, first, second in general are a lot more common then many people are aware. Sure many of these couples aren't open about it because the fear of being judge and all the negative views that surround such relationships. In most states it is legal for bio cousins to marry and have children like anyone else. The children product of such relationships aren't more at risk of defects, as many people like to mention. It is a very ignorant concept that people have, that these children will have down syndrome or three legs and what not. I personally know a great couple that are cousins, and I have learned a great deal from them. They are the proud parents of four perfectly healthy kids. Just thought I'd put that out there out of respect for this couple and many more that may be out there. It is a tabo topic. It may not be the most ideal, but lets educate our selves before we judge these people and these innocent kids.