Contract work overseas

My hubs came home today and asked what I thought about him doing some contract work overseas. Pay could be anywhere from 160-250k for the year, he'd have 3 months of 12 to use for leave. He was previously in the army, but never deployed. He's also done work state side but was never gone more than a few weeks at a time. So I have a tiny idea of what it's like for him to be gone. But no idea of what it's like to worry because of the location he'd be in. He's seriously considering it because he's looking for a job change, we would be out of debt within that year, and he could possibly have time home after to go back to school for a while to get a different degree (something he's wanted to do for a while, but can't afford). The biggest thing is he'd be leaving for a year, we have a older son and a baby on the way, so he would be missing the first year plus the year of our older boys life. And the safety for him, I'd worry like crazy. And he'd be worried about me and the family because he would not be home (he worries about us even if it's just overnight) does anyone have any experience with their SO doing overseas contract work? Pros/cons, advice, tips, anything really...